A girlpreneur and her mom

DEI for Parents
2 min readOct 23, 2020
Rose Powell and her mom Johanna Howard

In 2017, I wrote about Rose Powell and the successful organic candle company she built at age 9. Rose is a successful girlpreneur who started her own organic candle company as a way to replace the paraffin-filled candles that triggered her father’s allergy hives. Her story was (and is) awe-inspiring.

More recently, Rose and her mom (Johanna Howard Home) combined their marketing efforts. Their plan was to (temporarily) include a Rose & Co. candle as a complimentary gift with every purchase. Proceeds from each sale benefited local food banks. Rose’s decision to create the complimentary candles as a way to celebrate historic ​women added an extra dose of kindness to her project.

How to make a candle business successful?

Rose pouring organic wax into her candle molds

Rose’s new candles are rose-scented (aptly) and are dedicated to influential women who contributed to the movement for women’s rights with a label that reads “We walk in the footsteps of Rosa, Harriet, Michelle, Sonia, Dolly . . . and our Moms.”

Rose tells us that her middle-school distance learning daily schedule has actually given her more time to work on her candles because she can do her schoolwork while the candles-in-progress are melting, hardening, etc.

Amazing Rose. We salute you. Keep going!



DEI for Parents

We help parents integrate DEI morals (empathy, kindness, and respect for EVERYONE) into homeschool lessons and family routines. https://www.deiforparents.com